Berlin Weronika Skonieczna – „Between…“

Freitag 19. Juli 2019 —
Samstag 10. August 2019

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freunde der Galerie Irrgang,

wir laden Sie hiermit sehr herzlich zur Ausstellungseröffnung am 19. Juli 2019 um 19.00 Uhr in unsere Räumlichkeiten nach Berlin ein. Unter dem Titel „Between…“ präsentieren wir Ihnen aktuelle Arbeiten der in Polen geborenen Malerin Weronika Skonieczna.

Ich freue mich auf Ihr Kommen und verbleibe mit herzlichen Grüßen

Ihr Tobias Wachter


My energy is transferred onto the surface and lines, while the imagery is streamed from my subconscious. / As words become gestures they are sometimes an excuse to create blocks of color or different color combinations. / As with the Surrealists, especially Jean Arp, my work method leave much room for “fluke” or otherwise – accident. / Furthermore, this approach consistently allows me to challenge my intuition an the subconscious. / May it be part to the subconscious and may reveal something of the psyche which would otherwise be repressed. / Therefore any random action, words which becomes an abstract lines and surprising effects also stimulate my imagination, which is occupied with trying to find new aesthetic solutions. / I hope that the viewer can follow me on this “journey” as I hope my work can also be a stimulus to their own thoughts, confronting something in their subconscious. I want to leave much room for interpretation, not giving any explanation or answers through my work. / I want the viewer to ask questions.

Big part of my art works are not planned.
They come with momentum.
They come naturally.

(Weronika Skonieczna)